Autor: nika  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 17/10/2006
I’m so confused ...
I don’t know what to say...
It’s hard to make him stay.
I look in his eyes
And I see how he cries .
I can’t help him,
He won’t let me try.
He doesn’t want to let me fly.
Sometimes, I want to die,
So I could touch the sky
And never feel how bad is to lie.
Life could be ... a smile ,
If we weren’t tie
By the thread of lie.
Life is a flame...
I don’t want to be burned by it’s game.
He doesn’t need to stay
He should go away.
I’m not confused,
I even know what to say!!!

o poezie foarte frumoasa,arata sentimente adevarate care le simte un om multumesc pentru poezie incitatoare care fascineaza pe oricare
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